

A Technical Analysis of the 'Green Dam-Youth Escort' Software

协作组编写 A collaborative work

2009年6月 June, 2009


目 录

关于 About
目的和功能 Objectives and functions

适用性 Applicability

技术架构分析 Technical Framework Analysis

内容检测技术 contents detection methods


用户体验 User experience

知识产权侵害 Copyright infringement

潜在风险 Vulnerabilities

媒体报道 Media coverage

相关文件 Links


1.关于 About

Green Dam is the informal name given to the combination of two commercial products: a pornographic image and harmful information blocking system from Jinhui Technologies in Zhengzhou, Henan province and the Beijing-based Zhengda Corporation's 'Youth Escort' Internet activity management software.

金惠堵截黄色图像和不良信息专家系统 V2.51
项目总监 赵慧琴 Project Director: Zhao Huiqin
技术总监 周翚 Technical Director: Zhou Hui
总设计师 汤怀礼 Chief Designer: Tang Huaili
策划经理 何红杰 Project Manager: He Hongjie
项目工程师 李弼程 ,曹闻 ,彭天强 ,钟声 ,李晓贺 ,李扬 ,李书进黄亮 ,张文中 Project Engineers: Li Bicheng, Cao Wen, Peng Tianqiang, Zhong Sheng, Li Xiaohe, Li Yang, Zhang Wenzhong
测 试 Mary 马, Sharon 张, 董娟 Beta Testers: Mary Ma, Sharon Zhang, Dong Juan
文 档 张晨民,刘裕 ,Biddle 张 Documentation: Zhang Chenmin, Liu Yu, Biddle Zhang
系统支持 吴朝阳, 宜娟 ,刘移山 ,丁敏 Systems Support: Wu Chaoyang, Xuan Juan, Liu Yishan, Ding Min
金惠科技 版权 (c) 2005 所有权利保留 Http://www.zzjinhui.com ©2009 Jinhui Technologies. All Rights Reserved

1)国家公安部信息安全专用产品销售许可证(XKC30492)National Ministry of Public Safety Information Security Product Sales License No. XKC30492
2)国家发展和改革委员会批准(发改高技[2004]2040号)列入“重大软件产业化专项”,是全国同类过滤产品唯一批准项目 National Development and Reform Commission Approval (NDRC Circular[2004]#2040) as "Major Software Industrialization Project", the only approved filtering software project of its kind nationwide
3)国家科技部(国科发技字[2004]449号)批准为“技术创新基金项目” Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST Circular[2004]#449) Approval for "technological innovation project funding"
4)国家信息产业部(信部运[2005]9号)批准为“电子信息产业发展基金项目” Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT Circular[2005]#9) Approval for "electronic information industry development project funding"
国家互联网违法和不良信息举报中心(net.china.cn)唯一正式推荐 Only the China Internet Illegal Information Reporting Center (ciirc.china.cn) has officially recommended Green Dam.
第九届中国国际软件博览会荣获金奖 Awarded first prize at the Ninth Chinese International Software Expo
2005中国郑州先进适用技术交易会金奖 First prize at the 2005 Zhengzhou Advanced Adaptive Technology Trade Fair
郑州市科技进步一等奖 First prize in technological advancement from Zhengzhou City
金惠公司营销服务中心电话:0371-63697160,63697161 Jinhui Marketing Service Center: 0371-63697160
传真:0371-63697171 Fax: 0371-63697171

2.目的和功能 Objectives and functions

以工信部,教育部,财政部和国务院新闻办为合作伙伴,绿坝目前有家庭版,厂商版,渠道版,网吧版以及校园版(家庭版与校园版经校验后发现完全一致,没有发现有官员版和五毛版,目前也没有发布人脑版)。With the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance and State Council Information Department as its partners, Greed Dam currently offers Family, Commercial, organization, Internet Bar and Campus Editions.

公开宣称的功能: 针对10-16岁青少年,过滤色情图片、色情内容、暴力内容、过滤反审查软件(例如无界)。
Stated features: To protect minors from age 10-16 through the filtering of pornographic and violent images and content, also circumvention software.
Latent features: To filter political content?

还有一个绿坝网络版,在 http://www.zzjinhui.com/down/newServerCard.rar 可以下载。
There also exists a Network Edition of Green Dam, which can be downloaded here (.rar).

3.适用性 Applicability

虽然产品声明的目标是针对10-16岁青少年,但是产品的约定安装机器并没有选择性,产品缺省假设每台被安装的机器都是青少年使用。目前该产品只提供Windows 版本,对IE、Google Chrome(因为采用了系统的网络设置)有效,对Firefox 无效。软件屏蔽的不良信息包括时政类的不良信息,软件并非采用一般软件的安装方式,对Firefox无效,关闭浏览器及将网址加入黑名单无确认。在IE下 ,对明显属于时政类“不良信息”的信息判断不稳定。对色情类“不良信息”的网页判断较准。换成Firefox后,软件没反应。 有人测试对FF也使用,请检测 -Isaac 6/11/09 12:06 PM
Current versions only support Windows; effective only when used in conjunction with Internet Explorer or Google Chrome, it has no effect when used with Firefox. The harmful information screened by the software includes politically-related harmful information, and the software relies on non-conventional methods to install, also ineffective within Firefox, closing the browser and adding the website address onto a banned list without confirmation. In Internet Explorer, the software's ability to classify clearly political content as "harmful information" is unreliable; for pornographic content, Green Dam is able to make relatively accurate assessments. When used with Firefox, however, the software shows no response.

产品当前支持的兼容性列表 下面这一段摘录自谈判响应书.doc -GFW WTF 6/10/09 1:37 AM
Compatibility list of currently supported projects

序号 项目 内容 备注 Sequence / Item / Content/ Notes

操作系统 Operation Systems

1 Win98 兼容 不支持屏幕文字监控 1. Windows 98, compatible, text screening not supported

2 Win2000 兼容 2. Windows 2000, compatible

3 Winxp 兼容 3. Windows XP, compatible
4 Win vista 兼容 安装升级和卸载需管理员身份 4. Windows Vista, compatible, updates and uninstall can only be performed through User Account Control.

浏览器 Browsers

1 IE6.0/7.0 兼容 1. Internet Explorer 6.0/70, compatible
2 Opera 9.5 兼容 2. Opera 9.5, compatible
3 Firefox 2.0 兼容 3. Firefox 2.0, compatible
4 Netscape 9.0 兼容 4. Netscape 9.0, compatible
5 腾讯TT 3.0 兼容 5. Tencent Traveler 3.0, compatible
6 Maxthon 2.0 兼容 6. Maxthon 2.0, compatible
办公软件 Office Software

1 MS Office2003 兼容 1. Microsoft Office 2003, compatible
2 金山WPS 2007 兼容 2. Kingsoft WPS 2007, compatible
3 永中Office2007 兼容 Evermore Office 2007, compatible
杀毒软件 Anti-virus Software

1 卡巴斯基6/7 兼容 1. Kaspersky 6/7, compatible
2 瑞星19 兼容 2. Rising 19, compatible
3 江民2008 兼容 3. Jiangmin 2008, compatible
4 诺顿2008 兼容 4. Norton 2008, compatible
5 McAfee2008 兼容 5. McAfee 2008, compatible

4.技术架构分析 Technical Framework Analysis
程序结构 software architecture
All files within "Green Dam-Youth Escort" are installed to the system directory (%WinDir% and %WinSysDir%), and while no means to uninstall are provided in the Applications menu, the option to uninstall can be found in a menu within the main program. When launching Green Dam's image filtering function, the software automatically clears the browser cache.

在%WinDir%目录下的xstring.s2g存放着该软件所有文件的安装路径。Within xstring.s2g, located in the Windows directory, there can be found all the installation paths for all the program's files.

驱动: C:Windowssystem32Driversmgtaki.sys
服务: C:WindowsMPSvcC.exe
启动项: C:Windowssystem32xnet2.exe
During operation, Green Dam installs the following modules:
Drivers: C:Windowssystem32Driversmgtaki.sys
Service: C:WindowsMPSvcC.exe
Launch: C:Windowssystem32xnet2.exe

经鉴定weasel words -Late Willow 6/11/09 11:24 AM ,是XDaemon.exe、XNet2.exe、gn.exe三个程序相互保护,防止被删掉和结束进程。 这是一种通常被病毒和流流氓软件所使用的技术。
Following evaluation, three applications, XDaemon.exe, XNet2.exe and gn.exe, can be seen to be protecting one another, preventing each process from being deleted or interrupted, a kind of technique used by malware…

After Green Dam converts the password using the MD5 algorithm, it saves it in text format within the kwpwf.dll file located in the C:WINDOWSsystem32 directory. When opened using Notepad, if the content is then replaced with "D0970714757783E6CF17B26FB8E2298F" and saved, the password can then be restored to the original "112233".

绿坝的通过网络自动更新,同目录下里面还包含一张美女图不知是何用意。在经过网络用户的分析后,发现 http://www.zzjinhui.com/softpatch/kwupdate.dat 此文件和屏蔽关键词和URL有关。有2个相关IP:和,其中第二个IP指向 河南省郑州市景安计算机网络技术有限公司。(zzidc.com.cn)——(已失效)
Green Dam updates automatically online, and the update address is: http://www.zzjinhui.com/softpatch/; found therein is a pretty woman picture http://www.zzjinhui.com/softpatch/Image0.jpg although its purpose is unknown. Following analysis by Internet users, it was discovered that the file http://www.zzjinhui.com/softpatch/kwupdate.dat is related to the filtering of keywords and URLs. Connected to that are two IP addresses: and; the second of the IP addresses belongs to Zhengzhou Giant Computer Network Technology Co. Ltd. in Henan province. (zzidc.com.cn) – (unavailable since yesterday)

5.内容检测技术 Content detection methods

图像过滤 Image filtering

The process of image detection begins when visual data is obtaining as the image is in queue to be screened, first normalizing the image's size, then separating areas of skin tone from those without skin tone; analysis of the relationship between areas of skin tone is followed by removal of noises, then extraction of the area's characteristics, which are then input into a trained SVM classifier. Once the image has been deemed pornographic it is sent to a human face detector; if a human face is not the primary component, the image is then classified as pornography. The main problem with this algorithm is that recognition of pornographic images relies heavily on skin color and shape, and the final use of a human face detector in a weighted judgment is only a manual patch aimed at preventing the problematic occurrence of large faces being identified as pornography, but also the reliability of empirical weighting lacks verification.

From XFImage.xml it can be observed that Green Dam uses OpenCV's Haar classifier in undergoing human face detection. Included with Green Dam, cximage.dll, CImage.dll, xcore.dll and Xcv.dll, also library files from OpenCV. This all suggests that Green Dam primarily uses OpenCV to process images. However, as is done with much of domestic Chinese software, Green Dam has disregarded OpenCV's BSD license.

金惠公司承诺图像检测正检率>90%,误检率<7%,而检出率 = 正检率*色情图像比例 + (1 – 误检率)*(1–色情图像比例),在色情图像占1%时,检出率为93%。 Jinhui Corporation has committed to an accurate image detection rate of higher than 90%, and a false detection rate of less than 7%, with the detection rate=accurate detection rate*proportion of pornographic images+(1-false detection rate)*(1-proportion of pornographic images); with 1% of images being pornographic, the detection rate would be 93%. 文字过滤 Text filtering 对政治性内容的分析,包括XXX内容的过滤,使用了北京大正语言知识处理科技有限公司提供的文字过滤引擎HncEng.exe、HncEngPS.dll、SentenceObj.dll,数据文件HNCLIB/FalunWord.lib 中还包含以UTF-32LE谁来确认一下到底是什么编码? -Late Willow 6/10/09 5:20 PM编码的除XXX外大量政治和色情有关的词汇。 An analysis of political content, including the filtering of XXX-related content, shows that used is Beijing Dazheng Language Technology Co. Ltd.'s text filtering engine, HncEng.exe, HncEngPS.dll and SentenceObj.dll, and within data file HNCLIB/FalunWord.lib, in UTF-32LE code, aside from XXX there can also be found a large glossary related to political and pornographic content. 从数据文件HNCLIB/FalunWord.lib中分析出来的关键词列表;更完整的解析出的关键词。 UMich的团队报告通过反向工程解出了绿霸安装在system32下的若干dat加密文件的解码方式,经过解码发现多数dat文件来自美产过滤软件CYBERsitter的关键字列表(在解密后的csnews.dat中发现了CYBERsitter的Readme内容原封不动地拷贝下来),另外几个dat文件(xword?.dat)则主要包含关于色情、政治的词汇。 A team from the University of Michigan has reverse-engineered and decoded the encrypted dat files installed by Green Dam to the system32 directory, finding that many of these encrypted files appear to be banned keyword lists from the US-made CYBERsitter censorware circa 2006, and other files of interest include several dat files which contain sexual and political terms, as well as others related to XXX. 应用程序屏蔽 Application screening 对应用程序使用时间的控制 Regarding control over application usage time哪里有这个功能说明? -Late Willow 6/11/09 11:52 AM 金惠公司称,绿霸可以禁止各种网络游戏(如征途、魔兽世界)、聊天(如QQ、MSN)等程序,定制黑白名单过滤实效更强,阻断以代理服务器或代理类软件而躲避网址屏蔽的匿名浏览 (金惠堵截黄色图像及不良信息专家系统FAQ-20080520)。 Jinhui claims that Green Dam can disable kinds of online game, instant messager with customizable blacklists and whitelists for effectiveness, meanwhile block some anonymous browsing proxy software such as FreeGate. 在system32中的filtport.dat 文件 ,默认内容是FreeGate/8567/tcp Urf/9666/tcp,推测就是对自由门和无界软件进行屏蔽的配置文件。 两个进程:xdaemon.exe和xnet2.exe,进入无界页面会.....会干吗? -Late Willow 6/11/09 11:23 AM Screening of anticircumvention software, such as FreeGate. In system32 there can be found a filtport.dat file whose default content reads: FreeGate/8567/tcp Urf/9666/tcp. Two processes, xdaemon.exe and xnet2.exe, upon entering FreeGate will...... 需要更多信息 关于哪些程序被直接屏蔽-Late Willow 6/11/09 12:14 PM 控制技术 Controlling techniques 金惠公司称,绿霸软件能够控制未成年人上网、QQ、MSN及游戏的时间,避免过度沉溺于网络,有效戒除网瘾(谈判响应书);Jjinhui claims that Green Dam can controls the time minors spend online, using QQ or MSN, and playing games; by preventing overindulgence of the Internet, Green Dam effectively eliminates Internet addiction. 应用程序监控 Application monitoring 经过测试,发现如果在记事本或者WordPad中输入任何“XXX”字样,都会关闭应用程序,但是在绘图板和MSN中输入这些字则不会有反应,这也说明其程序的不完备性。Testing has shown that if any word resembling "XXX" is entered into either Notepad or WordPad, the application will shut down; however, typing the same characters into Paint or MSN Messenger bears no response, illustrating the incompleteness of the the program. 部分反编译的内容发现有多种应用程序是其监控的对象。 A segment of decompiled content shows the extent of the Green Dam's monitoring. 00468940 .wow.exe.魔兽世界....yaho 00468980 omessenger.exe..雅虎通..wangwang.exe....阿里旺旺....start.exe... 004689C0 网易POPO....网易popo....uc.exe..新浪UC..新浪uc..icq.exe.ICQ6.... 00468A00 icq6....skype.exe...Skype...skype...eph.exe.e话通...doshow..msnm 00468A40 sgr.exe.MSN.msn messenger...qqgame.exe..QQ游戏..qq游戏..qqchat.e 00468A80 xe..QQ聊天室....qq聊天室....qq.exe..QQ..qq2.bitbomet.exe....BitC 00468AC0 omet....bitcomet.... 从injlib.exe中(偏移地址0x89e8)提取出的字串,反映出一部分可能受监控的程序: Possibly monitored programs (found in injlib.exe, offset 89e8H): editplus.exe uedit32.exe emeditor.exe wordpad.exe notepad.exe wps.exe wpp.exe et.exe powerpnt.exe frontpg.exe excel.exe msaccess.exe outlook.exe winword.exe mailmagic.exe popo.exe qqmail.exe aixmail.exe imapp.exe incmail.exe msimn.exe dm2005.exe foxmail.exe googletalk.exe miranda32.exe imu.exe ypager.exe tmshell.exe start.exe uc.exe icqchatrobot.exe qq.exe msnmsgr.exe gsfbwsr.exe greenbrowser.exe touchnet.exe theworld.exe maxthon.exe ttraveler.exe netscp.exe ge.exe firefox.exe opera.exe netcaptor.exe myie.exe iexplore.exe mmc.exe regedit.exe taskmgr.exe mpsvcc.exe xdaemon.exe xnet2.exe 这三个是软件的组成部分 不是监视对象 -Late Willow 6/10/09 3:42 PM 几乎市面上所有常见文本编辑工具(EditPlus, UltraEdit, EmEditor)、办公软件(WPS三部件,MS Office系列)、邮件客户端、IM客户端、浏览器都会受到监视。 It seems that nearly all text editors on the market (EditPlus, UltraEdit, EmEditor), office software suites (WPS, MS Office), e-mail clients, instant messaging clients and browsers, are being monitored. 如何监视的?谁来添加一点注入检测技术的描述?-Late Willow 6/11/09 12:18 PM 网络监控 Internet monitoring 金惠公司在文档中称,“绿坝”通过Winsock2的SPI接口获取发送和接收的数据,对这些数据进行分析,获取HTTP数据,将HTTP协议数据解析后,经过URL检测器,不良URL检测器和关键字检测器后,根据检测结果决定是否需要使用图像检测器,通过图像检测将新发现的不良网址提供给系统管理员。 In documentation, Jinhui claims that "Green Dam" utilizes the Winsock2 SPI port to obtain data from both sender and recipient, and through analyzing these data, obtains http data. Having obtained http data protocol and run through a URL detector, a harmful URL detector and a keyword detector, Green Dam decides based on those results whether or not image detection is needed, and through image detection, addresses of websites containing harmful information are delivered to system management. 需要更多信息 谁去读专利-Late Willow 6/11/09 12:13 PM 6.被监控、屏蔽的关键词、URL数据库文件分析 Analysis of the library files involved in monitoring or screening keywords and URL data 现放出来自直接解密安装路径下的 .dat 文件的关键字列表,并稍加解说 wfile.dat - http://privatepaste.com/450zZe32hn 这个文件说明了过滤文件类型 TrustUrl.dat - http://privatepaste.com/4c0Q3tzzb0 信任网址。这些网站毫无疑问都是老大哥信得过的。值得全球站长屏蔽这些网站。这是滤霸软件中最有价值的一份列表 vgamfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/1auoil5bP2 所谓“暴力”游戏类。都有屏蔽了什么游戏呢?Quake,Quake2,Quake3,你们PLA训练用的counter-strike.net,F22 Raptor,古墓丽影(这也算暴力类?),古墓丽影II,星际争霸(暴力类?我看是“封建迷信”吧?),暴雪母公司activision.com,duke4.com,万年跳票的dukeforever.com,ff8online.com,half-life.com,stormtroopers.com,unreal.org等等。建议大家以后只打清廉战士。 chtfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/32hbY5XUgy 屏蔽了AOL,AIM,Yahoo,MSN csnews.dat - http://privatepaste.com/bb1RyuqiVu 这个文件是最喜剧的,滤霸抄袭美国人的过滤库就算了,还很临时工的把cybersitter别人的readme文件一起抄过来了 entfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/bd0qklsJuD 娱乐类过滤。这里屏蔽了BSG和Firefly的scifi.com,StarTrek.com,StarWars.com,这样Geek四大剧就被围剿得一个不剩了。另外southpark、pokemon、xfiles和BritneySpears也是监视关键字。blizzard.com暴雪公司官方网站被屏蔽 finfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/b414bkBNPv 金融类过滤。包括华尔街时报www.wsj.com,www.ft.com,www.sec.gov等 fmfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/3d114bf1mD 电子邮件监控。hotmail.com,gmail.com,甚至www.mail开头的都会受到特别关注。 fshrfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/b8kPPu9ZiV 文件共享监控。监控市面上几乎所有的P2P客户端和软件。gnutella, bearshare, emule, wrapster, scourexchange, imesh, audiogalaxy, kazaa, filesharing, morpheus, limewire, javalimewire, gnutella, wrapster, scourexchange, shareaza, kazaalite, bittorrent, azureus gdwfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/49ftIfdRqJ 屏蔽了amazon.com,还有这款山寨软件的祖宗cybersitter*.com,download.windowsupdate.com,liveupdate.symantec.com,symantec.liveupdate.com,microsoft.com,symantec.com,windowsupdate.com,zdnet.com。也就是说安装了某软件,Windows的补丁和杀毒软件升级,要么被监控,要么就被直接屏蔽了。有人说这个文件是白名单,请问在同一个列表里的amnesty.org,virgin-boys,porno-free.net这些东西也可能是白名单吗? imgfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/cehwHinyM0 这里屏蔽了很多图片类网站,只要URL包含下列字符就会像GFW一样被RST,例如google.ca/image,google.com/image,当然还有Yahoo的yahoo.com/image,还有视频搜索屏蔽searchcat=vid,video.search.yahoo。请问老大哥究竟有什么见不得人的东西要把图片和视频搜索统统屏蔽呢? mp3fil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/f0uBTti5uh mp3类。封杀了一些MP3共享软件,例如gnutella, bearshare, wrapster, scourexchange, imesh, audiogalaxy, kazaa, filesharing, morpheus, limewire, gnutella, wrapster, scourexchange wrestfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/eapAh32NC8 摔跤类。主要是WWE美摔之类的被屏蔽了。没有屏蔽K1,说明的确是抄袭cybersitter pkmon.dat - http://privatepaste.com/580KvOFYV4 (POKEMON!) 文件名就很囧。这份名单貌似过滤了一些anime和manga sporfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/e20QeOlezv 体育类过滤。屏蔽了www.nba.com和wnba.com,还有其他的太多了。。。 --------------------分割线-------------------- 下面的.dat文件内容,几乎都来自cybersitter,山寨程度可见一斑 wfileu.dat - http://privatepaste.com/9c0oaeS0i1 这个网址就是cybersitter的升级地址了,居然还保留了。你说滤霸这软件山寨不山寨? wzfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/170Epo2wTZ 游戏破解 adwapp.dat - http://privatepaste.com/aey5BIlkyx adult类网站过滤(严格) adwfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/091MdBUyDv adult类网站过滤 lgwfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/a1ndIrVvEn 同志类网站,不熟悉,不评价。 iawfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/951A0xSKW2 非法类。照抄cybersitter的名单 auctfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/f20vFALQPl bnrfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/76uATdcCsN 屏蔽广告 bsnlst.dat - http://privatepaste.com/b6tJvZlQJN cultfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/dc1NtZn183 文化过滤,包括GeorgeKing,scientology,ChurchOfSatan一类的。还是抄袭cybersitter gblfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/53CXciru9I 貌似是赌博类。 gnfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/c6lU71HHUT 枪支类。 hatfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/1005oQLOJv 种族仇恨类。 jbfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/7d1cmQ7bdW 招聘类。 movfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/99cMT8Xjyr 电影类 nvgamfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/9aYQOBgQoU 又一个游戏类过滤。nv game filter.dat? perfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/7driTj667b sex类过滤 picsfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/34TI4cSbZE popfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/c10gAsIEuq 广告弹窗类过滤 psyfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/ae0GA79ZFm 封建迷信和超自然类过滤。 swfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/aeSIsoDlKd 盗版软件过滤。 tafil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/26FTx1Dfjz 酒精类过滤。抄袭cybersitter的名单 tapfil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/ae0UoosGMk 纹身类过滤。 viofil.dat - http://privatepaste.com/f79OiqXC6J 暴力自杀类。 7.用户体验 User experience 通过实际测试和用户反馈,发现绿坝的宣称功能的实现能力并不强,却没有避免在各个层面添加很多没有宣称的功能。部分用户的使用体验和讨论:Through testing and user feedback, it has been noted that Green Dam's ability to achieve its stated function is in fact not that strong, and has not avoided including many additional undisclosed functions situated at various levels. Here is a sample of some users' user experiences and discussion: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4b862d070100doj4.html http://club.cat898.com/newbbs/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=1&id=2853590 http://www.meirendaddy.com/blog/?p=404 http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=591097210 8.知识产权侵害 Copyright infringement 绿霸受到以下指控: 违反BSD许可证在软件中使用OpenCV库 将OpenCV的算法和技术用于申请专利 抄袭美产过滤软件CYBERsitter的关键字列表(猜测应该还有更多代码抄袭) 证据请见前。 Green Dam is subject to the following accusations: Violation of the BSD license through the software's use of the OpenCV library Use of OpenCV algorithms and technology in a patent application Plagiarizes the keyword list from American filtering software CYBERsitter (alongside speculation of further code plagiarism) 9.潜在风险 Vulnerabilities 后门:绿霸本身的安全性就有很大疑问,这样一款小公司开发的软件很容易存在安全漏洞,一旦被黑客发现,则所有安装绿霸的电脑都成为黑客的“肉鸡”,如果其安装量大的话,完全有可能重演“暴风影音断网”的事件。 Backdoor: The security of Green Dam itself is highly doubted; software developed by companies as small as this can easily contain security leaks which, once discovered by hackers, then compromise all computers having installed Green Dam. Given sufficiently high usage, Green Dam could easily lead to another "Baofeng" incident. 因为绿坝软件本身的多种不完善性,可能会导致客户端正常软件功能的失效(例如,关闭没有保存的正常工作文档而不提示保存)。 Given the many different imperfections in the Green Dam software, it's possible that Green Dam will cause normally-functioning client software to malfunction (for example, work not being saved during shutdown, or no reminder to save). 因为该软件所有技术参数的设置,都基于科技人员本人对于什么是色情图片的假设。这些假设反而强化了色情的窠臼和性/别不平等,对青少年不利。 Because settings for the software's technical specifications have all been based on a technician's assumption of what constitutes pornography, these assumptions only further reinforce patterns in pornography, of gender inequality, detrimental to children. 10.媒体报道 Media coverage (可能不属于技术分析报告,仅作参考) (possibly off-topic, for reference only) 中国收紧互联网控制(华尔街日报) 工业和信息化部文件 下月起新售个人电脑将预装上网过滤软件(网易科技) “绿坝·花季护航”上网管理软件试用测评 外交部发言人反驳“你有孩子吗?” “绿坝”为何遭质疑 (财经网) 上网过滤软件绿坝官网遭黑客攻击无法访问(新浪科技) “天涯上的五毛党评论” 天空软件站上的五毛评论 绿坝软件的五大法律障碍 绿坝响应书上的隐身人:金惠是如何盗卖军队研究成果牟利的 11.相关文件 Links 绿坝与政府的谈判响应书:https://wikileaks.org/wiki/Chinese_Green_Dam_Falun_Gong_related_censorship_keywords,_June_2009 “绿坝—花季护航”使用全攻略 http://tech.techweb.com.cn/redirect.php?tid=387273&goto=lastpost 有人对与此软件有关的大正公司的一些文件进行了分析。 通过对ST771.rar的分析,对ST771.rarST771package2中hncldata_mdb.zipL:HncProjects版权检测版升级包制作工具2007.1.15标准检测版programfileshncldata.mdb进行分析后可以得到网址黑名单。在北京大正语言知识处理科技有限公司网站上还可以找到未加密的关键词文件: 测试版中的色情关键词;非色情关键词;上级部门指示。

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